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Career Statistics


4Y, dkb f
Be Safe / Designer
Rating 27
Trainer: Mir Faiyaz Ali Khan
Bred at: Chettinad
Owner: Mr Syed Abdul Subhan
Previous Owner:
No. of Runs Wins Place 2 Place 3 Place 4
4 0 0 0 1 88000.00

Horse Statistics

Winning Statistics By Distances

S.No Date Dist Class Race No Venue Jockey Wt Dist-Win Time Rtg Videos
1 27-08-2023 1100 Maiden 49 (5) HYD S Saqlain 54.5 7.5 1:09.18 27 33000
2 13-08-2023 1100 Maiden 32 (4) HYD Surya Prakash 54.5 7.5 1:09.01 27 55000
3 22-02-2023 1200 Maiden 183 (8) HYD P Ajeeth Kumar 54.5 14.75 1:16.70 0
4 09-01-2023 1200 Maiden 95 (7) HYD Aneel 54.5 12.75 1:15.67 0