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Career Statistics


4Y, ch f
Declaration Of War(IRE) / Bunga Bunga
Rating 19
Trainer: Shakti Singh
Bred at: A B Stud
Owner: Mr Karan Pal Singh & Mr Amarjeet Singh Narula
Previous Owner:
No. of Runs Wins Place 2 Place 3 Place 4
7 0 1 0 0 110000.00

Horse Statistics

Winning Statistics By Distances

S.No Date Dist Class Race No Venue Jockey Wt Dist-Win Time Rtg Videos
1 12-05-2023 1000 Maiden 290 (6) DEL Shivam 54.5 7 1:01.05 24 0
2 09-05-2023 1100 Maiden 277 (6) DEL R Rakesh 54.5 10 1:07.87 24 0
3 25-04-2023 1100 Maiden 258 (5) DEL Kundan Paswan 54.5 5.75 1:08.74 27 0
4 17-04-2023 1000 Maiden 245 (2) DEL Kundan Paswan 54.5 2.25 1:02.29 19 110000
5 10-04-2023 1100 Maiden 226 (6) DEL Faizaan Khan 54.5 13 1:09.13 21 0
6 03-04-2023 1000 For Horses 213 (6) DEL Faizaan Khan 52 21 1:03.04 24 0
7 28-02-2023 1100 Maiden 161 (5) DEL Kundan Paswan 54.5 8.5 1:09.63 0