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Career Statistics


3Y, b c
Leitir Mor(IRE) / Memory Bay
Rating 33
Trainer: P Shroff
Bred at: Poonawalla
Owner: Mr Zavaray S Poonawall, Mrs Behroze Z Poonawalla, Mr Yohan Z Poonawalla, Mrs Michelle Y Poonawalla, Ms Delna Z Poonawalla, Mrs Simone Poonawalla Pandole rep. by Poonawalla Racing & Breeding Pvt Ltd and Mr Rishad N Pandole, Mr Atul Ishwardas Chordia & Mr Chaduranga Kanthraj Urs
Previous Owner:
No. of Runs Wins Place 2 Place 3 Place 4
1 0 1 0 0 300000.00

Horse Statistics

Winning Statistics By Distances

S.No Date Dist Class Race No Venue Jockey Wt Dist-Win Time Rtg Videos
1 28-07-2024 1000 Maiden 15 (2) PUN Vivek G 56 1 1:00.82 300000